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Johnny Cash Redemption歌词

演唱者:Johnny Cash  专辑名:  TAG:Johnny Cash   歌词更新时间:2019-11-04


Johnny Cash-Redemption文本歌词

Killah Priest&Jeni Fujita - Redemption
活在当下 制作
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
This is my redemption
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
This is my redemption
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
This is my redemption
And the angel saw
Post not against the natural branches
But if thy boast

Johnny Cash-RedemptionLRC歌词

[00:08.46]REDEMPTION /Gackt
[00:20.50]作詞:Gackt.C 作曲:Gackt.C
[00:32.85]静かに宙に還る貴方の姿を 面對妳靜靜歸還於天空的姿態
[00:38.05]what else can I do besides avenge you ?
[00:39.11]除了復仇之外 還能為妳做些什麼?
[00:48.19]溢れる哀しみは消せない傷跡に 暗自對滿溢的哀傷發誓
[00:56.47]忘れはしないと誓った 決不遺忘這無法抹消的傷痕
[01:04.29]折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 鼓起斷折之翼振翅翱翔
[01:08.26]すべてを消してみせよう 消滅萬象存有看看吧
[01:12.16]いつの日か終わりを迎える 總有一天將迎接終結
[01:16.34]最後の鐘が鳴り止むまで 直到終結的鐘聲響徹雲霄為止
[01:21.57]you told me 妳告訴過我
[01:22.82]live as if you were to die tomorrow 要活得像明天即將迎接死亡
[01:24.50]feel as if you were to be reborn now 感到自己此刻將重獲新生
[01:27.03]face as if you were to live forever 做好永遠面對一切而活的覺悟
[01:28.98]震える指で紅い涙をなぞった 以顫抖的指尖描繪出鮮紅淚痕
[01:33.98]I had nothing to lose nothing truth 我已無物可失去 一切均為虛假
[01:36.84]儚い思い出が闇に堕ちてゆく 虛幻脆弱的回憶墜落於黑闇深處
[01:43.81]最後に微笑が浮かんでは消える 浮現最終微笑又隨即消逝
[01:52.64]温もりだけを残して 只殘留些許暖意
[01:59.89]優しいだけの言葉なら 僅是溫柔的言語
[02:04.25]今の僕は癒せない  無法療癒現在的我
[02:08.12]果てしなく続く戦いに 只有將全身全靈
[02:12.13]この身をすべて捧げるだけ  都投入無止盡的鬥爭中
[02:52.66]いつかはこの宙に誰もが還るから 既然任誰都終將歸還於天空彼方
[03:00.06]別れの言葉はいらない 就無須多做道別
[03:08.50]make it up
[03:08.75]折れた翼を羽ばたかせ 鼓起斷折之翼振翅翱翔
[03:12.23]すべて消してみせよう 消滅萬象存有看看吧
[03:16.07]いつの日か終わりを迎える 總有一天將迎接終結
[03:20.22]最後の鐘が鳴り止むまで 直到終結的鐘聲響徹雲霄為止
[03:23.90]優しいだけの言葉なら  如果只是溫柔的言語

上一首: Oh Come, Angel Band 下一首: All Over Again